
The most important thing in this world to you is your concept of self.

Everything depends on your concept of yourself.

“Whom do you say that you are?”
For your conviction of yourself, your opinion of yourself
will determine your expression in life.

It is our conception of ourselves which frees or constrains us.

Your concept of self determines the order of events you encounter.

Your concept of yourself is either your honor or your dishonor. 

At any moment in your lives
we are faced with an infinite choice:
what we are and what we want to be.

If you can be what you want to be,
why not become it?

The process of rising
from your present concept to a higher concept of yourself
is the means of all true progress.

You are free to choose the concept
you will accept of yourself.

This day, what was the concept you held of yourself?

The concept that I hold of myself is not that which I would like to be.
It is spoiled.
I don't throw it away, I don't commit suicide, I don't discard myself.
I rework the vessel, the very vessel I held in my hands,
I rework it into an entire different form that I resolve to be.
That man that I want to be, that man I now assume myself to be.

With all your heart
you must want to be different from what you are.

Give yourself a new concept of self for the old concept.
Give up the old concept completely.

Form a mental image,
a picture of the state desired,
of the person you want to be.

Define yourself as that which you desire to be
by feeling yourself to be the thing desired:
I AM that.

Concentrate your attention upon the feeling

that you are already that person.  

Claim you are what you want to be.
Persist in that assumption.

You must assume you are
what you want to be and continue therein.

My concept of myself molds a world in harmony with itself
and draws men to tell me constantly by their behaviour who I am.

As soon as we succeed in transforming self,
our world will dissolve and reshape itself
in harmony with that which our change affirms.

Your world is forever bearing witness
to your present concept of self.

You, by changing your concept of self, 
change your relationship to things.

There is nothing to change
but your concept of self.

Leave the mirror and change your face.
Leave the world alone
and change your conception of yourself.

I am no longer the man I was,
I am now the man I always wanted to be.