Right inner speech is essential.
Right inner talking is the first step
to becoming what you want to be.
Inner speech calls events into existence.
With our words, our inner talking, we build our world.
You create your future by your inner conversations.
Inner speech reveals the state of consciousness
from which you view the world.
Our attitudes unfold within us in the form of mental conversations.
All that we meet is our word made visible.
The circumstances and conditions of life
are outpictured inner talking, solidified sound.
Does you inner talking
match what you would say audibly
had you achieved your goal?
The right use of inner speech is the speech that would be yours
were you to realize your ideal,
in other worlds, it the the speech of fulfilled desire.
Make your inner conversation match you fulfilled desires.
Practice the art of controlled inner speaking.
Become master of the words, master of the inner talking.