There is a definite feeling associated with every idea in the mind of man.
Feelings are the causes of the actions and circumstances of his life.
He never entertains a feeling which does not contribute to his happiness.
Whenever your feeling is in conflict with your wish,
feeling will be the victor.
The dominant feeling invariably expresses itself.
That which you feel yourself to be, you are
and you are given that which you are
so assume the feeling that would be yours
if you are already in possession of your wish
and your wish must be realized.
you must deliberately focus your attention on the feeling of your wish fulfilled
until the feeling fills the mind
and crowds all other ideas out of consciousness.
Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled
and continue feeling it until it is fulfilled,
until that which you feel objectifies itself.
The feeling of the wish fulfilled,
if assumed and sustained,
must objectify the state.
A change of feeling is a change of destiny.
Practice making real to yourself
the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
Through feeling
the conscious desiring is joined to the thing desired.
Feeling is the secret of creation.
Capture the feeling associated with your realized wish
by assuming the feeling that would be yours
were you already in possession of the thing you desire
and your wish will objectify itself.
Assume the feeling of being it,
the feeling that would be yours
were you already the embodiment of your ideal.
the feeling that would be yours
were you already the embodiment of your ideal.
Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled
and simply ignore everything else that denies it.
and simply ignore everything else that denies it.
Wear this feeling as you would a suit of clothes
and persist until the feeling takes on the tones of reality.
and persist until the feeling takes on the tones of reality.
Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled
and continue feeling it until it is fulfilled,
until that which you feel objectifies itself.
The feeling of the wish fulfilled,
if assumed and sustained,
must objectify the state.
Feel that things are as you wish them to be.
Live in the feeling of being the one you want to be
and that you shall be.
Live in the feeling of being the one you want to be
and that you shall be.
A change of feeling is a change of destiny.
Practice making real to yourself
the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
Through feeling
the conscious desiring is joined to the thing desired.
Feeling is the secret of creation.