
Think of the world as containing
an infinite number of states of consciousness
from which it could be viewed.

All conceivable states are awaiting
our choice and occupancy.

Only you can make a state become alive.
You must enter a state and animate it
in order for it to outpicture itself in your world.

First imagine and then feel the state imagined.

Imagination is active at and through any state it is aware of.

You enter a state through the medium of feeling.

Feeling a state produces that state.

Get into the spirit of the state desired
by assuming the feeling that would be yours 
were you already the one you want to be.

Think feelingly only of the state you desire to realize.

As you capture the feeling of the state sought 
you are relieved of all effort to make it so, for it is already so.

The conscious state you abide in
determines the kind of world in which you live.

You pass through states.

You can put yourself in any state by remembering when.

It is up to you to get out of the state
which you are now in if it is undesirable to you.

Master the art of moving from one state to another state.